welcome to my life :]
Me, not you o.o

I am Randyne Neo Jia Yuan :D

On the 21st of December 1995, A special kid was born amongst the 6.8 billion people in the world. So be nice, pay your respects and drop by some gifts on this date :D

If you didn't fail math in primary school, You would be able to tell that I am 15 this year.

Park View Primary
1F 2F 3C 4C 5H 6H
Pasir Ris Secondary :)
1e5 2e5 3e7 :D

Welcome to my blog! Feel free to roam around and remember to drop a tag before you leave (:
For anyone who leaves a tag, i will try my best to reply you with a semicolon(;) followed by your name asap!!!
Also, please do not spam, I hate that ): any links/relinks just drop me a tag :D

my wantss^^

A new phone(now I need it cause mine's in a bad condition)
A lot of friends
My Own Room!!! (:
A Laptop of my own
Grades up to my standard :)
Finish up my animes and mangas!!
More cash(like seriously..)
More time to hangout wif frens
Somemore time to think of more stuff ._.

~listen to it~

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

the passst....

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010

*hall of fame*

Da creater

leave a tag :D

Sunday, March 21, 2010

just woke up from my supposedly "short" nap in my cousins house -.-
before i took the nap they were all watching some weird movie outside and now everyone's gone!
and I find myself turning my cousin's laptop on to use it ._.
and my cousin slept on my phone o.o
my family had better not leave without me or i will really kill them!!
nah not really but if they left I think they would have called me along IF they still treat me like family :/
Haha see how bah later on when I wake up in the morning.
Byebye :]

And here the story ends.
4:17 AM

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Hey Apple, hey apple! Can you touch your nose with your tongue?" :D

Damn long nvr post liao it kinda feels almost like my first 2 blogs which I abandoned o.o
Bo pian ah sec 3 so mang got this then got that then all of a sudden, Term 1 holiday liao ._.
and all of a sudden again, Term 1 holiday gonna end liao :/
But I'm glad the holidays are ending(not much of a holiday anyway, went back to school many times for nonsense like cip =.=)

Can't believe I'm using the comp first thing after waking up O.o
My eyes kinda like that O.o cause I not yet wash my face LOL.
My brother lah the moment he start using the toilet no one else in the family can use liao.
I'm just hoping I'll move into a house with like 4 toilets or something so he won't have to hog it up all the time :)
The 4th day in a row I dozed off at the same time, around 12.30 liddat after using the comp to facebook, tweet etc.
I actually tried to stay up for a purpose but I always couldn't make the timing and I just lie on my bed and doze off ._.

Wah sian sia I still got like 3 assginments not done yet.
Luckily only 2 of them due on monday :]
And there has been a serious change of timetable and I kinda like it, certain days that is.
 I think even if I start blogging about past events it will only take me like a minute or 2.
Okay here goes.

A Maths Remidial

Rotted at home ._.

Physics Remidial
Afterward rotted at home AGAIN ._.

ROTTED AT HOME! (I suddenly feel like a pig xp)

Was kinda productive, went out with Marcus Lai, Wei Teng and Simin to study at T2 Mac :]

Completed half my assginments! :DDD

Rotted at Home Zzz....
In the night went to view a house, not bad I must say.
I wouldn't mind moving there (:

Woke up.
Updated Facebook.
Updated Twitter.
Currently blogging.

Well thats about it, a summarised version of how I spent my holidays but of course I can tell you in detail what I exactly I did if you're really interested in my life :DDD
I'm gonna go eat breakfast nao and then afterward take a shower AFTER MY BROTHER IS DONE WITH THE HOGGING!!!
Okie Byebye! :]

And here the story ends.
8:19 AM

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I practically abandoned my blog temporarily ._.
Didn't really feel like blogging anyways, prolly cause imma too lazy :X

To all those who have consoled/encouraged/been there for me, I am really grateful for what you did and your attempts to put a smile on my face and I do appreciate it. And I'm here to tell you all thanks for doing what you did and for being such great friends, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
I just wanna tell everyone that i am doing fine and coping well so you guys don't have to worry so much about me :]

I realised that a lot of things in school remind me of you, maybe cause every single moment we spent together formed a happy memory. But i'm glad you came into my life, whenever I feel down or sad, I just think of you or see your smile and it also puts a smile on my face :]

And here the story ends.
8:29 PM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haven't posted in a lonng time.
I think this blog is gonna wind up half-dead or something like that soon.
I guess I'll just take a break for a while :]

And here the story ends.
6:06 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ciaossu :]

Today was (almost) like any other day except for the fact that I was supposed to to Pulau Ubin(is it spelt correctly O.o) with Xin Yuan but my dad unexpectedly said no last minute ):
What a bummer.
Apparently his reason was because I did not sleep at all last night(and trust me my parents don't accept "I had Insomnia" as a valid reason)
And he said I might fall asleep while cycling or something like that when I'm there (no comments...)

So in the end I went to sleep at around 8 plus?
And woke up at 4 to realise I had 3 miss calls from Xin Yuan and and sms from him.
So I went to Facebook for a while then did the usual, had my dinner and went to meet Xin Yuan and Samuel at the basketball court near elias mall there.
Played a little bball but got bored so we decided to sit down and slowly reminisce.

Talked loads and was bored yet again and called Valerie Toh to see if she wanted to come down to chat with us but sadly she didn't :(
So we walked over to elias mall and were still talking.
Apparently everytime we meet up, there is always something we have to tell each other *wonders*
So we walked around the area while reminiscing some more.
Sat down to talk about life and stuff and shared about our problems(or something like that can't remember, s.t.m affecting me yet again...)
Went home afterwards and watched pre-recorded episodes of  F.R.I.E.N.D.S and laughed the crap outta myself [:
Smsed people and stuff and got bored so decided to use the lappy again.

So thats pretty much it I guess...
Getting better at summarising everyday hehe....
Can't wait for the arcade chionging we will be doing tommorow (:
So long then! :D

And here the story ends.
1:35 AM

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ciaossu :D
Man long time no post again(really meh?).
Let me recall what i did...

Lets see..
Yesterday went out with Samuel and Xin Yuan.
Went to White Sands to play a little arcade.
Then went to KFC to eat lunch and chat loads.
Needed to catch up anyway so long never see them.
After that Xin Yuan wanted to play TM Time Zone the DDR, refused at first but in the end still go.
He made me try to play with him and that was the first time I ever played DDR and i sucked proportionally(gotta use terms like that or i will get rusty in math LOL!) to the amount of health i lost in that game(which btw was all)
I swore that was going to be the first and last time I ever played DDR.

Then walked around the arcade and then got trashed by Xin Yuan in Air-Hockey.
Afterwards he went to eat at Mos Burger and we went to Tampines Safra later on.
We went to the bowling alley there to play a few games of pool then we wanted to play bowling so they decided to go to E-Hub to bowl but after we reached there we decided not to, wasn't in the mood i guess..
So we go arcade play somemore then go eat at the Just Acia restaurant coz of the free flow drinks and ice-cream.
I ate 10 scoops i think....
Went home afterwards...

Was called out by them again and went to Park View to meet them cause Sam's sister taking back results then had a good chat with Mrs Khoo whom I haven't seen in quite a while.
Actually wanted to talk to the Warrier(Only my class people will know who i am talking about :)
But couldn't find her so hack care.
Went over to Teng Shuen's house there to play a little basketball and got tired of it after a while so decided to play bowling at E-Hub FOR REAL this time.

Bused there in 3 and went to book a lane first then went to play at the arcade.
Played a little jubeat and that Japanese game where you have to hit the big drum thing.
Wah stupid big drum thing sia we play until our arm pain sia bloody hell...
Then went downstairs to bowl a quick game.
Sam had to go so me and Xin Yuan went back to White Sands to play arcade again.
Then I went to play lots of things, Time-Crisis, Daytona, Jubeat.
And I don't know what happened but I ended up breaking my swear(wasn't a real one anyway) and landed on the DDR machine next to Xin Yuan.
I tell you, DDR is the only game in the arcade that actually makes me sweat so much and I have no idea why(although I have a very good idea why just lazy to say the obvious :X)
So we decided to walk back so that we can catch up more.
Then went to somewhere near elias there to play basketball then walked home.

All in all I had fun this 2 days so its good i guess,
Kills time anyways xD
Until next time then.

And here the story ends.
11:27 PM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ciaossu! (:
Long time no post liao.
Came back from chalet a few days ago(i think...too lazy to recall)
Had loadss of fun there.
Went really high when we tried to ton the night.

These few days kinda boring with nothing to do at home...
Looking for a job but still too young to work :'(
So have been reading manga and watching animes these past few days.
Watching Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Naruto Shippuden.
And reading Katekyo Hitman Reborn at the same time.
So really got nothing to do now gonna take a nap or something..
Ciao ciao :D

And here the story ends.
5:24 PM

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