welcome to my life :]
Me, not you o.o

I am Randyne Neo Jia Yuan :D

On the 21st of December 1995, A special kid was born amongst the 6.8 billion people in the world. So be nice, pay your respects and drop by some gifts on this date :D

If you didn't fail math in primary school, You would be able to tell that I am 15 this year.

Park View Primary
1F 2F 3C 4C 5H 6H
Pasir Ris Secondary :)
1e5 2e5 3e7 :D

Welcome to my blog! Feel free to roam around and remember to drop a tag before you leave (:
For anyone who leaves a tag, i will try my best to reply you with a semicolon(;) followed by your name asap!!!
Also, please do not spam, I hate that ): any links/relinks just drop me a tag :D

my wantss^^

A new phone(now I need it cause mine's in a bad condition)
A lot of friends
My Own Room!!! (:
A Laptop of my own
Grades up to my standard :)
Finish up my animes and mangas!!
More cash(like seriously..)
More time to hangout wif frens
Somemore time to think of more stuff ._.

~listen to it~

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

the passst....

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010

*hall of fame*

Da creater

leave a tag :D

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today was okay...
During the morning assembly, I lost my ez-link card to Wu Lao Shi cause I did not hand up my work so that meant I was looking foward to detention in the afternoon.
3 periods of english were a bore.
Couldn't even talk to each other lest Miss Kaur PMS'es AGAIN!
Recess as usual except that Benedict asked me to help him hold the Giant lollipop thing that was a present meant for Valerie Yeo and everyone was like "Eh Randyne, give me leh!!"
After recess SHOULD HAVE been Mr Lee's lesson but because he used Miss Soh's period yesterday, he has to return it to her and so a lot of us including some girls were stuck outside the classroom.
After a while she let us in but asked us to sit on the floor and me and Benedict HAD to play "drums" with our legs so we got sent outside the class again.
Was kinda fun outside the class talking to Benedict, Syafiqah and Mayvis as we sat nearer to the backdoor.
Then it was Ace period and Miss Suria briefed us on our "relatively" easy assignment for the end of year paper.
If relatively meant "not really" then I agree with her :]

Had detention afterwards was boring as hell IF some of my other classmates weren't there.
Calvin,Winson, Boon Hoe and his bro was there.

After detention went to Azilah's house to celebrate Hari Raya and Benedict and I got lost on the way there o.o
Had lots of fun there with all the food and chatting and stuff.
Played Uno Stacko just before we left and in one of the rounds I accidently(purposely) blew the top part down.
And just before we left, Azilah's mum gave us green packets.
Feel kinda bad that we came and ate her food and left with her money but she said it was tradition so no use fighting it right? :}

Bused home and crashed on the sofa as I was damn tired.
Woke up at like 11 to bathe and played a little CS to destress before blogging.
And I was so tired just now that I typed blogger.com as blooger.com.
Weird website came up.
Gonna sleep now the air-conditioning and comfy bed are enticing me.
LOL! I just heard my brother sleep talk AGAIN!!
I thought he was talking to me...
Okay then.

byeesss :D

And here the story ends.
12:36 AM

Change of Heart
Jodi Picoult

In the space between yes and no,there's a lifetime. It's the difference between the path you walk and the one you leave behind; it's the gap between who you thought you could be and who you really are; it's the legroom for the lies you'll tell yourself in the future.

And here the story ends.
12:21 AM

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Man have not been posting for the past few days.
Don't feel like talking about the past few days.

Okay today was still the same as any day.
I thought the lightning alert had an epic fail as it was turned on when the sky was still bright.
But that soon changed when we were in our classrooms.
It looked as if someone turned off the lights for the sky it was almost piitch black.
Then we had Geography test afterwards, was okay.
Had a normal period of science with Miss Soh being in a good mood and followed was 2 slack periods of "Art" cause Miss Suria did not come to school today.
After that was Chinese and then English which was still normal.

Went out with Calvin, Benedict, Aaron, Zhan Hao and Medric.
Walked around TM and Aaron took a damn long time to select a present for his sister.
Afterwards I went to the library(shell shocked?) and borrowed a Jodi Picoult book.
Slept partially on the bus and went hoome to sleep more.
Woke up ate dinner and started using the comp.
Gonna study for tommorow's Science test soon.
Stupid electricity stuff... I remember 1 formula can pass liao lar:
Voltage=Resistance X Current
I should be fine for tommorow haha :D

And here the story ends.
8:51 PM

Monday, September 21, 2009

Man I am quite lazy to post about the past few days.
I'm just gonna post about today.

Woke up in the morning at 8 cause of my alarm.
No I did not set it by accident, was supposed to go out to study with Si Jing, Si Min, Wei Teng and Yew Jin.
Ate breakfast and went to bathe.
Came out to search for clothes in my closet.
Had a hard time deciding what to wear(not really :X)
Set out to wait for bus 53.
Surprisingly, it came right after I was at the bustop, perfect timing!

On the bus listening to music and stuff.
Alighted at Terminal 1 basement and took the skytrain to Terminal 2.
Met up with Si Jing to wait for Si Min and Wei Teng to arrive.
Went to Burger King and started studying at 10.40 am.
Felt it was really good, the peace helps me concentrate LOL!.
Well at least until we started talking and it jumps from one topic to another.
Wei Teng called Yew Jin and he said he would be there by 3.15pm
Ate lunch and continued studying.
Was reminiscing(is that how you spell it?) with Wei Teng about primary school times when we saw Zhi Rong there.
Said hi and stuff.
Continued to study until the workers there started coming one by one to tell us that we were not allowed to study in burger king.

At around 6, Yew Jin still wasn't there and we decided to leave and Wei Teng was like freaking out because of him -_-
She was hitting me repeatedly because instead of comforting her, I was stating all the worse case scenarios that could have happened to Yew Jin.
Went to Cold Storage to search for newspaper for Wei Teng's brother.
When we were there he called Wei Teng to tell her he was at burger king.
Went back to meet him and I really felt like killing him.
After meeting we went back.
Was very happy while going home :]
Reached home and ate dinner and decided to post.
That's all for now then.
Still feeling really happy about just now :}

Trying my very best to fufill a certain something to a certain someone (:

And here the story ends.
9:53 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009

Another 2 day post due to my laziness yesterday :D

September 17

Crap I can barely remember what I did yesterday...
Waa siannnn!!!
I can't remember!!! :@
Damn....I think maybe I will post about today then...

September 18

Woke up way early in the morning as I thought my Dad was fetching me but then he wasn't.
Feel cheated...
Went to school and on the way there,, some sec 3 guy from my school asked if I had any spare change for taking the bus as he only had big notes.
Didn't have any so he went to ask another person from my school at the same bustop.
Went to school and first 3 periods was English.
It was supposed to be everyone's least liked subject because of the teacher but today turned out pretty well cause we watched a film called "Anna and the King" throughout the 3 periods.
Recess was slightly different as I was fasting(jkjk...)

Then came a period of maths and the good news arrived.
Mr Lee told us that they were going to make us do 2 very simple questions to replace 2 questions in the paper.
1 question could not be solved and the other was very difficult to solve.
Was super happy cause both of the question I also anyhow do wan :X
And when Mr Lee said simple, he REALLY meant simple.
After that was 2 periods of science.
Miss Soh's mood was flatuating throughout, so irritating...
One moment happy and cheerful, another moment angry and furious.
And then last 2 periods which was SUPPOSED to be ACE became art lesson.
The teachers are goinng to get a bad remark in the end of year survey thing.

"Do your Home Teachers use ACE periods for other lessons without replacing them?"
Ans: A, Often.

After school, went out to eat with Benedict, Calvin, Chun Yu, Keng Yang and Medric.
Went to Macdonalds and ate the McValue lunch thing, I had McChicken :]
Sat there and chatted until Tori arrived and we went to T1 to walk around as it was raining and the way to T1 was 100% sheltered.
Walked around in Cold Storage and made fun of the guy promoting this new mop thing.
Saw Jaslene and Valerie in the Frolicks shop.
Said our hi's and byee's and then we went to TM kopitiam.
We sat there and started talking A LOT about many random stuff when Jaslene and Valerie came and sat down at the table next to ours.
They wanted to do their work but we enticed them to play uno with us LOL!

Couldn't stand sitting near Keng Yang because of all his nonsense, so I moved to another seat.
The game of Uno suddenly turned into a game of Stress and every 2 people took turns to play.
Jaslene and Valerie wanted to buy fruits and asked who wanted some.
Of course I said yes because I LOVE fruits, they just rock :}
They bought a packet of fruits and there was only one strawberry inside and Valerie immediately took it as she loved strawberries.

Then Benedict didn't want to eat the fruits anymore because that was the only fruit he wanted to eat.
So Valerie and Jaslene went to persuade the auntie to give them one more strawberry and they offered it to Benedict.
I ate the most fruits not because I am a cheapskate(maybe I am) but because they didn't like a lot of fruits that were in the box.
So lucky me I guess :)
After that went to the toilet and when I came back, everyone was gone and the suckier thing was that my phone ran out of battery.
Hung out with Jaslene and Valerie and started talking about a lot of different people in our school that we knew.
And they forced me to tell them clues about my secret and eventually because of their intelligence, they found out :(
But the good thing is that they promised to not tell anyone (:
So we walked around trying to find a good place to sit and chat and we found Starbucks.
Chatted for about a half hour before going home.

Now I am in my room using the laptop with the air-con blowing at my face(not literally)
It is suupppperrr shiok now I think I am gonna relax and...Zzz.....zzz.......zzzzz.....

And here the story ends.
10:29 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Today is(was) the day that a lot of my secrets get spilled out to people.
Okay before I start I would like to talk about the weirdest and scariest dream I ever had(by far)

I dreamt that my best friend in primary school died and it was a big deal as they aired it on the TV.
I literally saw his photo when I was watching TV and when the news came on about a 14 year old who died.
And then his mum contacted me to go for his funeral.
Okay I told this part to my friends but what I didn't tell them was that I cried profusely at the funeral (seriously and don't laugh come on he's my best friend man)
And just when I left the funeral I woke up.

So that was the dream, now for today's events.
Almost another best day ever if it weren't for the Math Test, totally disintegrated my brain cells, can barely think properly now...
Today was the video camming day for music.
We were suppose to be filmed while doing out 'Stomp' performance.
My group did fairly well I guess.
3 periods of homec today and we had to come up with our own pasta recipe.
I got a feeling mine's gonna be pretty nice cause the theme of this pasta recipe making is fusion and I sure fused in a lot of things into the recipe MUAHAHAHAH!!!! Just kidding lols.
And then came the crap math test.
The start was pretty easy until I reached like question 6 I got stuck and I started to pull out my hair to think better LOL!
But seriously, the test was damn difficult.
After that was a period of Science, Miss Soh ain't in a good mood today.

After school went to eat lunch with Benedict, Shi Hui, Calvin, Kai Boon and Medric.
We went to CS and on the way there from school, Calvin started talking about karma and we all started cursing each others karma to drop because of this and that it was really suuperr lame but I still laughed like mad.
From school to CS all the way we were talking about karma.
I ate prata and Calvin commented that I look like a barbarian when I eat cause I wasn't using any cutleries, I was using my hands.
And Calvin came up with a new word today.
We were talking and talking when I told an obvious lie to him and these were his exact words(I think) "Wow I almost believed what you just said for a second, You are such a good lie-teller."
Then I thought of what he said and then I choked on my water and said "waa*cough* lie-tell*cough cough*teller. It's Li*cough*liar lar *cough cough*"
Then he thought of it then all of us started laughing.
After that Kai Boon went home and Calvin went also then Benedict went to send Shi Hui home.
I went to T1 to try out Frolicks and it is THE BEST THING man has EVER created for the food industry.

Went home on bus 3 and on the way was asking advice from friends for.....
I shall protect My confidentiality and shall not say out what but then some gave me good advice others gave me "extremely good" advice also.
And then my secrets were soon poured out to my friends.
And then I am blogging now.
That's all.

byeess! :]

And here the story ends.
6:32 PM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today could almost be counted as "The Best Day of School Ever"
Although I was quite bummed in the morning that my dad didn't fetch me to school :(

So had to take the bus and I saw my primary school friend there.
Was almost late for school.
Reached the gate at about 7.20 something like that.
Met Benedict on the way just before entering the gate and realised something there on the spot.
I forgot we had P.E today!!!
I was wearing my uniform and Benedict was looking at me with that weird face.
First 2 periods P.E.
Whole class got a lecture from Mr. Pay about being 'ill-disciplined'
He ask me for my ez-link card cause of my uniform.
Made us run 3 rounds around school but we ended up walking.
He allowed to play whatever games we wanted.
Played Captain's Ball.
Was damn fun and we invented the "Last minute no rules" rule LOL :D
After P.E, Mr Pay returned me my ez-link card say next time don't forget to wear P.E lols.
Had Maths after that.
Recess as usual.

After recess was looking foward to chinese for the very first time because Wu Lao Shi wasn't going to be here for I think 2 weeks.
Then our relief was the 'Sir' teacher.
Was damn funny those 2 periods.
Slacked throughout the entire thing.
Afterwards had 3 suuuupppperrrrr boring periods of History.
Later had ACE and my batch of people had to go to 1e5 classroom to have ACE.
Was supposed to be Music Room but the Sec 1's took it for assembly ARRGGHHHH!!!!
After school celebrated Chu Kheng's Birthday.
He was shocked but he had the kind of face that said "I knew something like this was gonna happen"
Ate cake and chatted.

Benedict and Gillian had CO SL's meeting.
So Chu Kheng, Calvin, Kai Boon, Medric and I slacked in school and did lots of weird stuff and it ended with about 2~3 rounds of Hide & Seek haha :}
Walked to the bustop with Medric and chatted about stuff(We always have a lot to say)
Went home and started on my homework all the way until now, so hardworking eh? :D
Tired now.
Gonna sleep soon.

byeesss :)

And here the story ends.
11:20 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009

Crap...didn't have the chance to blog these past few daysss...
Was outside with my family and over at my cousin's house and stuff...

September 11

After posting that post, went to slack and stuff.
Afterwards, I started to do my homework(surprised huh?)
Suuuuppper lots of homework, Geography, Mathematics, Science etc..
Got started on my Geography homework first.
Took quite a long time to do it.
Later when I finished, took a break and my cousin's came over to stay for the night.
Played some mahjong in the night at about 11 plus, 12.
Played all the way to about 2.30a.m.
Ate 2 pieces of bread with nutella.
Went to sleep after.

September 12

Woke up in the morning and was told to hurry up and prepare as we were all going out to east coast park.
I hate it when people rush me to do things in the morning.
Damn frustrating....
Anywayss... Prepared and everything and played a little counterstrike before taking a bath.
In the car... on the way to east coast... kinda boring ._.
We reached there and waited at mcdonald's for my auntie and uncle to come.
Waited quite long...also very boring...
They arrived and treated us to a meal at mcdonalds(must be compensation I guess :)
Then my 2 cousins and I talked among ourselves about our secrets...
Was surprised at some of theirs o.o
Went for 2 hours of roller-blading.
I fell quite a number of times in the beginning cause I have not done it for quite a while now.
But after a while, all was good and smooth.
Laughed at one of my cousin who kept falling... oh sadistic me (:
2 hours passed surprisingly fast.
Took off my skates to return them and rode on the 2 person bike with my cousin cause there was about another half hour of rental.
Was kinda difficult in the start cause my cousin was soooo freaking scared he might fall or something.
As usual, after a few times of stopping and going, We managed to cycle with ease.
Another thing we had to learn was to turn without falling.
We kept going straight on the pathway as we were afraid of turning.
Of course we did turn but a miracle happened and we didn't fall! :D
And once we got the hang of it, I decided to chill a little and try to enjoy the ride.
And just when I decided to chill, some small kid in front of me pulled the brakes on his bike all of a sudden and I collided into him.

Just kidding :]
I meant to say that I ALMOST collided into him.
I managed to swerve the bike in time.
Hurt my hands cause the 2 person bike works like this.
The front person's handle was sort of the "master control" on the bike.
Which means the handle behind him does not do anything except support the rider behind.
And the only thing the person at the back has to do is paddle for extra speed.
So basically the one sitting in front has the worse job of the 2.
Afterwards we returned the bike and went back home to grab some stuff and to take a shower as we stunk like no one's business.
Went to my cousin's house for dinner and that was what I thought until at about 11 plus.
My sister told me our parent's weren't coming to fetch us and that we were going to stay over at their house.
Was totally unexpected cause I didn't prepare any clothes or anything.
Worse part was that I didn't bring my holiday homework over to do!!!
Couldn't go home also as I didn't have my wallet with me.

September 13

Woke up at around 9 or 10 plus I think as it was hot as hell at my older cousin's bed.
His bed was all the way at the top and the only source of wind was the air-conditioning.
And at about 8, 8.30, my maid or someone came in to turn it off.
So, ate breakfast after washing up.
And started watching TV and stuff.
I have come to a conclusion that today was the worst day of my life.
I felt soooo unproductive for the entire day.
No homework, no textbooks, nothing at all for studying.
I have made a theory for myself.
I fell the most tired and lethargic when I am doing nothing.
And I feel the most awake and energetic when I have something to do, be it physically, mentally or both.
Watching TV also makes me feel tired.
Sleeping also makes me feel tired.
I promise myself to never ever torture my body like that ever again :D
Ate dinner there and waited as the adults talked to each other.
Come to think of it, most of the time when I go over to my cousin's house and stay over, it is mostly because the adults have to talk to each other about alotttt of things.
They seem to always have something to talk about and I have no idea why(And teachers say WE talk a lot)
I was relieved that they finally finshed talking but it was already like 10 plus.
Somehow, I wasn't tired at all during the journey home.

Reached home and packed my table and stuff.
Took a shower and continued on my homework.
Paused on the homework to blog and now I am about to go back to doing my work.
Until next time then! :}

byeessss!! :D

And here the story ends.
12:51 AM

Friday, September 11, 2009

Just woke up and decided to bloghop around.
And while bloghopping, i realised something,
Not everyone updates their blogs as regularly as I do ._.

Don't know what to talk about now...
Oh, I realised just now in the toilet that my wake-up hairstyle was pretty cool :D
But sadly, it was only for today :(
Other days I just wake up looking like I have been doing some crazy experiment.
And I just realised something else like just 2 seconds ago.
When I wake up and start typing,
It's not as accurate as I would if I were fully awake O.o
That's all I have to say.

P.S It's a good thing to re-read your post after you finish typing them cause I realised I made quite a few grammar mistakes after I posted it LOL!

And here the story ends.
11:50 AM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Its 8.15pm now.
I just had to blog again cause it was so weird what just happened right after I made the previous post.

After making the previous post, I went to take a nap as mentioned and the next thing I know I woke up staring at the clock that showed the time 2.45pm.
I was like "Shit, am I in school?"
And after my senses were working properly, I came to a conclusion that I had overslept o.o
I checked my phone and saw like 4~5 smses asking whether or not I was coming for remedial.
Of course I wasn't, I wouldn't make it in time even if i tried. At the most maybe I could catch Mr Lee's last few words IF I had rushed.

Slacked for a while and decided to do my homework at 4pm.
Turned on the computer as I wanted some music but in the end it turned out that I did not do my homework and delayed it for 4 hours as I was tooo engrossed in watching Chick Vs. Dick from the first episode.
Yes, I spent 4 hours watching videos on 2 people of the opposite sex constantly trying to prove who is better by doing weird challenges each episode.
Try watching it, its damn funny. I would encourage first time viewers to watch from scratch but if you want comedy, try watching episode 24 :D
Episode 27 and 28 aren't that bad too.
Funny actually.
Sick but funny.
It's kinda like overated comedy.

Still can't believe that I "skipped" remedial lessons just to watch videos on YouTube.
Had dinner just now and half way through I had to shit.
Didn't feel like eating afterwards as I had diarrhoea and saw EVERYTHING that was in the toilet bowl(you can just imagine how it looks like, eww...)
Some of the Chick Vs. Dick challenges are quite funny... I might wanna try challenging friends with them.
Especially episode 24...wanna try it...see how it goes.
Just finished watching the last of it. Gonna wait for them to release new episodes (:

Started typing at 8.15, ended at 8.40.
Ok that's it then.

And here the story ends.
8:40 PM

Forgot to post yesterday, was too busy :X

September 9 - 10

Was at my cousin's house in the morning.
Woke up then remember that I had planned to meet Benedict and friends at tampines safra.
Rushed out of the house after taking breakfast.
The journey from Boon Lay to Pasir Ris is suuuuuupppppperrrrr looooonnnngggg.
Thank God I had my earpiece and full battery on my phone OR I would have died of BOREDOM!!
Reached home, changed, ate somewhat a brunch O.o
Went to meet Tori at West Plaza bustop.
When I went up the bus and tapped my card, I realised my wallet was sorta empty.
So, had to chiong back to take my cash and chiong back to the bustop to take 15 to Safra.
Me, Benedict, Tori and Zhan Hao played about 2-3 games of pool then we went to play an hour of CS(counterstrike)
Tori kept dying cause he wasn't as experienced as the rest of us lols...
Went back to play another 2 rounds of pool then sat at the staircase and bought cup noodles to eat there.
Afterwards went to Gereldine's(is that how you spell her name??) house as Shi Hui was there.
Slacked there while watching them finish up their student council project.
Played Uno Stacko after they were done. Only Shi Hui, Benedict, Tori and I were playing.
In the end Shi Hui lost haha.
Took a train to church for the overnight prayer meeting.
Was TOTALLY AWESOME. Everyone who was anyone was there(jkjk...)
So I was there until 6 this morning.
Left at around 6.30. Took a train home.
Kept dozing off and knocking into the shoulder of the guy beside me, damn paiseh....
Got off the train and boarded the bus and STILL I kept dozing off.
At least there weren't anyone there.
Bad thing, dozed off past my stop.
Had to walk a looongg distance home(And when I said long, I meant loooooonnnnnng)
Came home, took a loong bath and started multi-tasking between Facebook, Blogger and Checking my Mail.
Still early now, maybe I'll eat my breakfast then take a nap before going to school later.

byeesss!! :D

And here the story ends.
8:16 AM

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Well today was the SAME as yesterday.
Only watched TV and well slacked.

Woke up in the morning feeling tired so i went back to sleep again.
Woke up again and ate breakfast.
Watched TV and stuff...
Tried playing Japanese style of Mahjong online.
Was damn difficult...couldn't score and stuff..
Then watched some shows on Star World like The Nanny, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, The Simpsons etc.
Was feeling bloody tired after watching the shows.
Tried resting but that made me feel even more tired.
So i took a bath and I feel refreshed now :D
The shirt i took from my cousin's cupboard was too small so I walked out in my pants and my sister and cousin's younger sister saw me half-naked and screamed. My cousin freaked out also(I wonder why... :)
His older sister woke up and saw me half-naked searching for a shirt to wear and she was like "Why is there a naked guy in the room???"

I gotta stop writing now cause everyone in the house is nagging for me to eat my dinner.

byeess! (:

And here the story ends.
7:47 PM

Monday, September 7, 2009

For starters, today was totally boooringggg!!!! had nothing to do the whole day except watch TV.
Was supposed to go out with friends to lan but was cancelled.
Still at my cousin's house btw.
Gonna facebook soon or maybe sleep.
Damn tireddd dunno whyy...
There's nothing much to write about today.
....Uhh.. I'm just gonna end here then. ):

And here the story ends.
5:37 PM

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sorry for not posting yesterday, was too tired after watching too many movies at once.

September 5

After making that post about my dream in the morning, I went off to church for service.
Went for 2 services, both were equally powerful and awesome.
Afterwards went to my cousin's house for dinner(supposedly)
But when we went there they weren't at home.
So we just chilled there and watch some TV and stuff until they came back.
Was talking to a friend on the phone when my older cousin came home with 3 other friends which TOTALLY freaked me out because my cousin and 1 of her friend was like sooooo into me o.o
Had to put down the phone because of that.
Later we watched some movies on my uncle's hard disk thingy and they all kept freaking out cause we watched Final Destination 2 and I was the only 1 who knew when and what will happen to those people.
So they all kept screaming (just in case you haven't noticed yet, my cousin and her friends are all girls :) and kept asking me to tell them when they are gonna die so they could cover their eyes in time LOL!
So in the end it wasn't much of a movie as there were so many spoilers as all my cousins who were there kept asking me bloody lot of questions.
Went to sleeep after that movie .

September 6

Woke up, still feeling sleepy after last night's "incident"
My cousin and her friends went out in the morning for service( Thank God!!!)
So went to do all the regular morning activities and went on another movie marathon.
Watched quite a lot of shows until I felt damn tired. So I went to take a power nap.
Woke up again to use the comp.

Still thinking about last night's incident and I think I am a very lucky kid to have a 1 year older cousin who likes me along with her friends but at the same time I felt scared in a way that their liking me has crossed over the limit of being "obssesed" with me. (I sound so full of myself now but it is true!)
Nothing much to talk about now so.... byeess! :D

And here the story ends.
6:39 PM

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just thought I should make a post about the weirdest dream I ever had in my life before I forget about it.

This dream was so weird I can barely remember it right now.
I dreamt that I was inside a anime which consisted of many different animes I have watched before in it.
I saw characters from Naruto.
I saw characters from some game I played before.
I heard Bleach Theme songs in the background.
And the weirdest part was that the story wasn't much of a story at all ._.
It was like I was walking around in circles and hearing people talk to each other.

Well that's about it, I guess I already forgot the most of it.
Not very good at remembering dreams ):
Post somemore later then! :D

And here the story ends.
11:23 AM

Friday, September 4, 2009

Time for the post of pictures i promised!

Lots of candid shots here :D

I think there is some problem with the images.
I can't seem to write stuff in between...sads..
Anyways, Tori kept trying to avoid the camera but he still got caught.
I made this burst shot image that looks really funny if you scroll through it really quick.
Also took some random shots of my wallet and the design on my file :)
And the giant stack of books I had to bring home.
That's about it then ^^

And here the story ends.
9:25 PM

Today wasn't fun,
How I'd wish I could sleep now,
And to not wake up.

Today was seriously crap, I can barely type right now as my hand still aches.
Although, 3 periods of english today was damn slack.
All we did was....nothing. Afterwards went for recess
Then the dreaded homework came during Maths and Science ARRGGHHH!!!!
Last ACE lessonn of the year was also slack as we were talking about relationships, a topic we were very familiar with and the best part was that we get to enjoy the free air-con in the music room :D
After school went to Mac with Benedict, Calvin, Tori, Keng Yang and Medric. Chun Yu came later on.
We ordered our food and Medric's food fell on the floor, sadd for him...
We ate and I almost died cause of the Mcspicy. Afterwards we slacked there and started taking pictures of each other with our phones and Tori kept trying to avoid it ._.
We also made a city out of the trash left over from our meals.
Went to Open PLaza at TM and played with the spinning thing.
I went on it so many times that I felt like vomiting out EVERYTHING!!!
Even now as I am typing, I feel the McSpicy chicken halfway up my oesophagus(throat :)
I am getting distracted by the mahjong game I am playing as I am typing this....Almost won with big hands quite a few times.
I'll post the pics later....damn tireddd now..walking home with that stack of books killed me...
Will be going to sleep soon. Just hope I won't die in my sleep by choking on my own vomit :X

And here the story ends.
5:25 PM

Thursday, September 3, 2009

fianlly..once again i have created a blog.
hopefully it doesn't get abandoned AGAIN ):

So today was fine,
It was like a normal day,
I enjoyed it so.

WOW! A haiku on the spot

But really today was normal
Hadd geography lessons for 3 periods quite slack cause we did some sort of a open book 'test'
Went for recess, ate sushi and drank milk tea(weird combo o.o)
1 period of science. Miss Soh was in a good mood. Must have been the specs ._.
2 periods of art was still normal
2 periods chinese. I put my left leg on top of my right thigh.
And whenever i brought it down, the shoe kept scraping on my knee injury.
Was like living hell...bloody pain.
Then 2 periods of english and Miss Kaur was still the SAME!!!
Like having moodswings every 2 mins, from happy to furious to joking...
Afterwards got back our report cards, didnt do so badly, a little above average.
Went for golf and had a test, predicting a fail or borderline pass coming my way ):
Bus-ed home and was looking through peoples blogs when i decided to create another one LOL! :D
So i created it and had a hard time looking for people to link.
Finally, almost all is done and i think i will be dooing my homework sooon..sads...
My knee still hurts like crap

byee everyonee.

When you're wet and you enter a pool of water,
You're not actually wet.
Cause wet cancels out wet,
So you're really not wet.

And here the story ends.
9:30 PM

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